Welcome to the brand new Career Zone Podcast. In each episode, staff from the Career Zone discuss careers related topics that‘s on students‘ minds right now. Our goal is to help prepare you for life and work after University, offering quality assistance and advice throughout your course, and for as long as you need it after Graduation. We’ll help you with a wide range of enquiries, such as: CV and application form advice, booking 1:1 appointments, advice on finding work experience, graduate jobs, or postgraduate study, Guidance for interviews and assessment centres, Helping you decide which of our free workshops and events will be right for you. Visit: www.exeter.ac.uk/careers or email careers@exeter.ac.uk Follow us on Instagram @uoecareers or @uoecornwallcareers and include the #careerzonepodcast so that we can follow up in a future episode Find our Spotify playlists on topics including Creative Careers, Getting into Law and Getting Ready to Graduate, search ex.ac.uk/thecareerzoneplaylists

Monday Nov 14, 2022
Careers in Creative Industries
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
What is the current situation when it comes to creative industries in the UK? Nick Havergal, Employability and Placements Adviser whose background is in the creative arts (having spent the last few years teaching, researching and making theatre) guides us through the current state of play in the UK job market when it comes to creative careers and provides some starting points for graduates seeking to enter this industry.
Further information about skills sessions and 1-1 guidance for setting up your own business can be found here: Enterprise & Entrepreneurship | Career Zone | University of Exeter
Follow the below links for information relating to creative industries:
Developing your Creative Practice fund: https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/dycp
Edinburgh Television Festival Talent Schemes: https://www.thetvfestival.com/talent-schemes/
Creative UK (aimed at creative business owners): https://www.wearecreative.uk/
Creative Industries Council: https://www.thecreativeindustries.co.uk/