Welcome to the brand new Career Zone Podcast. In each episode, staff from the Career Zone discuss careers related topics that‘s on students‘ minds right now. Our goal is to help prepare you for life and work after University, offering quality assistance and advice throughout your course, and for as long as you need it after Graduation. We’ll help you with a wide range of enquiries, such as: CV and application form advice, booking 1:1 appointments, advice on finding work experience, graduate jobs, or postgraduate study, Guidance for interviews and assessment centres, Helping you decide which of our free workshops and events will be right for you. Visit: www.exeter.ac.uk/careers or email careers@exeter.ac.uk Follow us on Instagram @uoecareers or @uoecornwallcareers and include the #careerzonepodcast so that we can follow up in a future episode Find our Spotify playlists on topics including Creative Careers, Getting into Law and Getting Ready to Graduate, search ex.ac.uk/thecareerzoneplaylists

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
How can I beat interview nerves?
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
We know that interviews can be nerve-wracking at the best of times. In this episode David Pritchard, Employability and Careers Consultant at the University of Exeter, and student Mel, provide practical tips and advice on how you can best prepare for interviews and effectively manage your nerves both before and during your interview.

Monday Aug 03, 2020
How can I network with employers without meeting face to face?
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
This episode is all about networking. At the moment we are still having very limited face to face interaction with others, but our Employability and Placement Advisors John Greaves and Ben Toulson offer some great tips on how to ensure you can still network and stay connected while we are continuing to work remotely.

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
What will it be like starting a job working remotely?
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
In this episode Rae and student Mel, look at some of the benefits of flexible working and how to make it work for you.

Friday Jul 10, 2020
What is the impact of COVID-19 on placements?
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
In this episode, Rich Daniels, Placement Learning Manager at the University of Exeter discusses how COVID-19 has influenced employers’ thinking about placements. Rich also shares what support is available to you if you are planning on carrying out a placement as part of your studies.

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Have young people's job prospects been worst affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
In this episode, Rae reviews the current data available as to how young people's job prospects have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and goes on to explore the future predictions in the graduate job market. Rae also offers some advice on what to consider, going forward, if it seems that your chosen sector has been hardest hit. The information referred to can be found here

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Should I apply for a Postgraduate course?
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Many student's graduating this summer will be thinking "what next?". In this episode Rae, and student Callie, focus on Postgraduate courses and whether, given the current climate, they are a good step. To find out more about the information Rae refers to, click here

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Will Employers be Recruiting in the Autumn Term?
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
In this episode, Rae, with input from University of Exeter undergraduate student Callie, looks at some of the information available regarding employer's recruitment plans for the autumn term. To follow Callie's advice visit: www.exeter.ac.uk/careers To find out more about the data Rae refers to click here

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
How will graduate jobs be impacted by Covid-19?
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020