Welcome to the brand new Career Zone Podcast. In each episode, staff from the Career Zone discuss careers related topics that‘s on students‘ minds right now. Our goal is to help prepare you for life and work after University, offering quality assistance and advice throughout your course, and for as long as you need it after Graduation. We’ll help you with a wide range of enquiries, such as: CV and application form advice, booking 1:1 appointments, advice on finding work experience, graduate jobs, or postgraduate study, Guidance for interviews and assessment centres, Helping you decide which of our free workshops and events will be right for you. Visit: www.exeter.ac.uk/careers or email careers@exeter.ac.uk Follow us on Instagram @uoecareers or @uoecornwallcareers and include the #careerzonepodcast so that we can follow up in a future episode Find our Spotify playlists on topics including Creative Careers, Getting into Law and Getting Ready to Graduate, search ex.ac.uk/thecareerzoneplaylists

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Intercultural communication
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
In this podcast we are discussing the importance of cultural awareness and intercultural competence. This is something highly valued by employers globally, especially in the current situation where working remotely could offer you the chance to have colleagues from all over the world. The workshops take place throughout the year across all three terms. They will be bookable via Handshake from the start of the academic year so please check online or contact us here; placements@exeter.ac.uk with any questions.

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Introducing Green Consultants
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
In this week's episode students, Max, Alice and Danielle, share their experience of completing the Green Consultants programme with fellow student Lizzie. They share why they chose to take part in Green Consultants, their favourite aspects of the programme and why they would recommend Green Consultants to other students.
Green Consultants is an award winning programme designed to provide students with additional skills and experience required to work in the highly competitive environmental and sustainability sector. You can find out more about Green Consultant and access the training here.

Monday Sep 27, 2021
Tips for Being More Confident
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
In this week’s episode Claire Guy, an Employability and Careers Consultant, shares her tips on how you can feel more confident when you are making a career decision. Claire shares how you can discover what your values and strengths are, and how these will help you to feel more confident about your career planning.
Develop your confidence and other skills, including Assertiveness and Understanding Behaviour, by attending one of our skill sessions. Sessions are running online and in person, to book your space visit Handshake.
You can find out more about Create Your Future here. Listen on Spotify and ITunes.
You can follow us on Instagram @uoecareers or @uoecornwallcareers or on Twitter @UoECareers or @UoECornwallCZ and include the #careerzonepodcast so that we can follow up in a future episode.

Monday Sep 20, 2021
How will graduate jobs be impacted by Covid-19? – Part 5, September 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
We last looked at the graduate labour market in May 2021 (How will graduate jobs be affected by Covid-19? Part 4), but what has changed since then? Here, Rae takes a look at the current state of the graduate labour market.
You can find more information on specific sectors visit the Career Research and Planning pages.

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Introducing Create Your Future
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Create Your Future is an employability programme developed for all first year students to help them plan and prepare for their future. In this episode, Amelia, Programme Assistant at the Careers Zone and a student at the University of Exeter, speaks to Hannah, a fellow student who completed the Create Your Future programme last year. Hannah shares how she found the programme, how it has helped her to prepare for the next stages of her career and gives her advice on how to get the most out of the Create Your Future programme.
You can find out more about Create Your Future here.
Please click here for the transcript of this episode.

Monday Jul 05, 2021
What are employers looking for? - July 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
In this week's podcast, Rae is joined by colleagues from the Career Zone who recently attended the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services Conference. The Career Zone staff share what they found out about what employers are looking for and what the graduate labour market is looking like.
Follow us on Instagram @uoecareers or @uoecornwallcareers or on Twitter @UoECareers or @UoECornwallCZ and include the #careerzonepodcast so that we can follow up in a future episode.

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Demonstrating Passion to Employers
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Rae is joined by Liz Robertson and Jenny Phillips, Employability and Career Consultants at the University of Exeter. Liz and Jenny discuss the importance of passion when applying for jobs and share their top tips to ensure you are demonstrating passion to employers.
Follow us on Instagram @uoecareers or @uoecornwallcareers or on Twitter @UoECareers or @UoECornwallCZ and include the #careerzonepodcast so that we can follow up in a future episode.

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
What to wear at interview
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
It can be rather daunting deciding what to wear to interview, and knowing what the employer would deem appropriate can sometimes be a challenge. In this episode, Career Zone Support Officer Jenny and Callie, a final year History student, give you their top tips for dressing appropriately, confidently and comfortably when you are selected to interview

Thursday May 27, 2021
Preparing for your placement
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
Once you have secured a work placement, you will be thinking about what you need to do before your first day in the role. In this podcast, Rich Daniels, our Placements Learning Manager, has some great tips to help you prepare for your first day and to get the most from your time on placement

Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Throughout the last year we have all had to adapt to working and studying from home. In this episode, Rae looks at some of the skills that you will have acquired and honed while working remotely, and how you can use these new skills when applying for jobs.
Follow us on Instagram @uoecareers or @uoecornwallcareers or on Twitter @UoECareers or @UoECornwallCZ and include the #careerzonepodcast so that we can follow up in a future episode